[FREE] BrightnessTools - Tools that set brightness of your phone

How can i get your extension ?

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It's in the first post.

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Oh yes i must be blind !

i tried your extension, but i can't succed to obtain permission

luminosite.aia (15,6 Ko)

I have no popup asking for permission, and i can't find it in app properties to turn it on manualy...

did you test this after building the app?
It wíll not work in the companion app...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

Yes i tested it only after building

which device and Android version are you using for your tests?
PS: the paid version of my settings extension is also able to set the brightness...

Device : Redmi 7A
Android version : QKQ1.191014.001

The user should manually grant the WRITE_SETTINGS permission from the settings.See also here:

As the OpenSystemWriteSettings doesn't exist in app Inventor, so you might use the activity starter solution:

That should only be needed fur devices with API version 23 ( Android 6 Marshmallow ) and heigher

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Here you will find an exemple with button to Allow Write Settings permisssion.
when this permission is granted you can change brigthness
ther is a button to keep screen on and an other to sleep it according to screen settings.
for this i used some extentions:
de.ullisroboterseite.ursai2applauncher.aix (29,4 Ko) to go to permissions setting screen
de.UllisRoboterSeite.UrsAI2WakeLock.aix (11,6 Ko) to keep screen on
both from https://ullisroboterseite.de/index.html
his site is full of interresting extentions...you can donate to him...

and i wrote a small extension to add "android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS" in manifest in order to be able to turn it on.jml.SETTINGSpermission.aix (4,9 Ko)

here is aia: Change_luminosite.aia (56,5 Ko)

I hope it will help it works very well on my Redmi 7A.


Thank you for your extension jml.SETTINGSpermission.aix
It works very well in setting the permission.
I combined it with this activity starter code from BeeriaApps to allow user to activate modify write settings slider.


you're welcome..

but what is this code from BeeriaApps you are talking about ? i don't know it and i can't find it !

Its on kodular forum

Here's the link:

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Thank you for your demonstration with my extension!


I had trouble to make it works on AI so when i found solution, it was normal to share it !

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Hello everyone, I read the entire thread and tried all examples with no success. Is there anyone who successfully controlled the brightness of the screen?

New update! It is confirmed that the write settings will not be greyed out anymore :slight_smile:


Have you granted the app with the WRITE_SETTINGS permission?

Thank you for the update.

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My blocks to have max brightness and return back

great extension , thank you.