Bcrypt is an algorithms that is used for hashing and verifying password.
com.happer64bit.bcrypt.aix (5.3 KB)
Bcrypt is an algorithms that is used for hashing and verifying password.
com.happer64bit.bcrypt.aix (5.3 KB)
Yeah hashes will not be same as they generated last time they do randomize.
Can we use this to hash any data like email ID or Phone number or any personal short details to save safely in Database/Google Sheet, so others cannot read/understand the data?
Is it possible to use this hash code to get the actual data back?
A hash is only one way
Is there any 2 way alternative to send encrypted data to the database and to get back the original data again? The purpose is to increase the database content security.
I can correlate with bitcoin's blockchain technology. One way encryption (hash 256, I think).
Search for encryption extensions
And understand the difference between encryption and hashing
There is a fundamental difference between Hashing and Encryption algorithms, see this stackoverflow answer: Hashing is one way. You can not get your data/string from a hash code. Encryption is 2 way - you can decrypt again the encrypted string if you have the key with you.
No, I don't think so. It's cannot be decrypted but u can only verify