[FREE] Bcrypt: Password Hashing and Verifying Algorithm

Bcrypt is an algorithms that is used for hashing and verifying password.




com.happer64bit.bcrypt.aix (5.3 KB)


Seems to be a one time hash ?


Yeah hashes will not be same as they generated last time they do randomize.

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Can we use this to hash any data like email ID or Phone number or any personal short details to save safely in Database/Google Sheet, so others cannot read/understand the data?

Is it possible to use this hash code to get the actual data back?

A hash is only one way


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Is there any 2 way alternative to send encrypted data to the database and to get back the original data again? The purpose is to increase the database content security.

I can correlate with bitcoin's blockchain technology. One way encryption (hash 256, I think).

Search for encryption extensions

And understand the difference between encryption and hashing

There is a fundamental difference between Hashing and Encryption algorithms, see this stackoverflow answer: Hashing is one way. You can not get your data/string from a hash code. Encryption is 2 way - you can decrypt again the encrypted string if you have the key with you.


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No, I don't think so. It's cannot be decrypted but u can only verify