[FREE] Avatar Extension: Generate new avatar for each user in best quality

Today I present my avatar extension the only MIT App Inventor extension that can generate random SVG Avatars for each of your app user without any API Pricing


  • Generate avatars based on names
  • Generate random avatars
  • No API Pricing so purchase once and use it in all of your projects
  • Avatars are exported in SVG format with great resolution

The extension uses the DiceBear API that is the biggest Open Source Avatar Library

While our code is MIT licensed, the avatar styles are licensed under different licenses that the artists can choose themselves.

Please check the license of the avatar style you are using and credit its author according to their chosen license, see also Licenses | DiceBear


component_method (3)

name= text

component_method (2)

Generate Random Avatar

Example of Avatar Generated by the extension


Download the extension
The extension is available for free!

If you liked the extension then do Buymeacoffee


Version 1
Initial Release of the extension.

Version 1.01
Added block to export image as Jpeg


Random Avatar Generator with WebViewer

Whenever Button1 is clicked the WebViewer1 goes to the url for displaying the SVG image of the avatar

Avatar in Jpeg format based on name

Whenever Button1 is clicked the webviewer goes to the url for displaying the Jpeg image of the avatar generated for the name "name"

Fetching the Avatar as Jpeg and showing it in the Image Component

Whenever Button1 is pressed a link is generated for Jpeg image that is shown using the Image component.

Feel free to DM me for any question


Given an svg is generated, what components can display this image format ?

A link will be generated you can then show it in a web viewer or download it by web get request

Yes, but what components can display the image? Image, Button,Arrangements, Canvas etc ?

When the image is fetched you can use Image component to display the image

You can also use webviewer to display the image

Image component can't display svg images, as far as I know.


I can only get the webviewer to display an svg. Excuse my confusion, but if you download the image (no need for an extension by the way) does it convert the format?

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Can you please explain what you are trying to ask

Yes but option to download png avatars will be available in the next update till then svg can be displayed in webviewer

When the avatar is downloaded as png you can display it on buttons and other components

This extension generates a new avatar url on each call. The webviewer can be coded to open that url displaying the image
You can use an extension to display svg images
And the third option in the next version the extension will be able to download png that you can display the image as you want
For any question please ask

It looks like you are using a library or web service
Please provide a link to that library/service and credit its author


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So in it's present state, this extension is USELESS for most purposes until you can use png files?

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No this extension is not Useless as of now you can generate SVG files of avatars and use them along with various extensions for handling files in MIT App Inventor. You can also use a webviewer to open the file.

Version 1.01
See the changelog above

You can now get the extension for FREE!

Hello, please disclose the Web API you are using, since your extension primarily relies on it.


Temporarily unlisted until this is done
