if i close screen before download complete then what happen?
download complete or not?
As far as the app is still running in background (not background task) or in recent apps, downloading will continue. If you remove the app from recent apps , downloading will stop.
If this is a very large download (i.e. a 4k video with 40+GB, for example), then the download in the background will stop after a few minutes as Doze mode throttles down / terminates all possible processes. In this case you would have to start a Foregroud service to prevent Doze.
We could use Itoo in that case with this extension.
Updated Version 4
Added properties to set notification title and description, if system download notification is being set to visible.
Added property to set Custom Download Path to set custom path other than ASD, that means now this extension is not limited to ASD only, it can download files in specified path.
Added a new function: FilesListFromAssets to get list of files from app assets directory.
Please provide App Inventor screenshot of the blocks so we can see, that the extension is also working in App Inventor
Which Android versions did you use to test the extension?
Are you aware, that on newer devices you are not allowed anymore to write files to arbitrary directories, for example /My Files
? See also Some basics on Android storage system
Added. Tested in AI2 as well, working fine.
Tested on Android 13 in companion as well as in Apk, it works without any permission.
Yes, I know. If used with proper permissions then this can be used.
Updated version 5:
Added new functions: SaveFile, ReadFile and AppendFile to work with text files asynchronously.
Added function to get SDK version.
No, not on Android 11+.

Added new functions: SaveFile, ReadFile and AppendFile to work with text files asynchronously.
Aren't these methods already available with the File component?

No, not on Android 11+
It does. I tested on Android 13. You can try.

Aren't these methods already available with the File component?
Just expanding the functionality of this extension.

You can try.
I don't need to try that. Saving files outside of the ASD and Shared folders no longer works on Android 11+. So not in the /storage/emulated/0/MyFiles
folder either.

I don't need to try that
No problem.
I have tested both in companion and Apk and it works.

I have tested both in companion and Apk and it works.
Then post the aia and show your blocks.
Already posted the working blocks here

Added property to set Custom Download Path to set custom path other than ASD, that means now this extension is not limited to ASD only, it can download files in specified path.
And again, post the aia.
Here it is:
test.aia (34.3 KB) (without permission)
With permission using SAF in case read write is not allowed.
test(1).aia (49.4 KB)
This error comes only in companion because of Notification permission. Try in Apk.