Formatting Notifier

Hi guys,

Does anyone know how to fix this? It was displaying correctly when I viewed it from the companion app through the QR code, but when I exported the .apk, it displays as below. I need the pop up text to be centered and the buttons to look like buttons. Right now they just look like text you can click. This is making my app look very ugly. Thank you so much in advance for your help.

Try to use this extension so that you can create your own notifier-

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What Theme are you using? I guess DeviceDefault . You could change to Classic Theme and get a different result. Why? Because the Notifier, when loaded on an Android device uses Google's way of displaying the pop-up and the actual display varies based on the version of Android you are using the app with. You cannot change the way the Buttons display with Blocks when you use a DeviceDefault setting.

This is what you can control with the Notifier

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Thank you so much. I'll have a look at this.

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Thank you so much for your help. I'll try this later.

Hi Alpha,

Thank you again for your assistance. I am very new to MIT App Inventor and as such, I do not know how to implement this solution. Can you please assist.

The Theme is an attribute in the Designer in Screen1.

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Where exactly?

Okay I got the theme. Thanks.

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