Forgot my password and my old email is gone

my old mit ai account is bricked because my old school email got deleted because i don't go there anymore and i cant reset the password, is there anything i can do

did you tried "I forgot my password" button after filling email textbox?

yeah, i cant recover it because my email was deleted

@Susan_Lane at MIT can transfer your projects @jhamham She needs a private message from you with your old Google account address, your new address, and a description of the projects in the old account so MIT can verify ownership.

Don't post to the public forum. Please send the information to her in a private message.

do you have a recovery email?

@Arman the issue is with the AI2 account. The school email account has been closed.

I can transfer your projects to a new account. I need from you:

  1. The old (deleted) account address
  2. The address where you want the projects transferred
  3. A description of some of the projects in the account

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