Font size discrepancy in a ListView

On a screen I use a listview element to display some strings.

When I originally tested on Android (Xiaomi Mi A1, OS Android 9) I was surprised to have to use a very large TextSize value to be able to visualize the item well.

When starting to test this application with iOS (IPhone 5s, version
Software version: 12.5.1), the items in that listView appear huge.

In Android I used a size 50 while in iOS I have to go down to a value of 14 to obtain similar sizes in the text.

I have also encountered problems with the size of the control when specifying the size (of the control) with Fill parent

Can you post an aia where this is visible?

I just tested from a new project and it looks like it should.

I am trying to reproduce the problem from a new project because the project I have the problem in is somewhat ... "complex" and I would have to provide you with several QR codes to configure it and provide the data to see the result.

It looks like it is more of a problem with the Android version than with the iOS version

Maybe you can show an image of what is the difference.

This is from my iPad Air.

This is from my iPhone 5 SE

This is from my Google Pixel 4a.

TextSize is always set in Pixels so that will give a difference among phones because of the different screen sizes.

The `` problematic '' screen with a ListView with TextSize of size 50

A ListView with TextSize of size 50 in a new project with the same data, loaded in the same way

I will try to copy the structure of the screen, with the same values to try to find out where the problem comes from.

At first I thought it was coming from information that could be confusing the type conversion control, but that doesn't seem to be the problem.

Problem discovered (solved?):

If in the main project definition screen I indicate the Fixed value in Sizing, I have to indicate a high value to see the elements of the ListView, but if I place the Responsive value, it will be seen with the appropriate size.

When testing with iOS, varying this value does not seem to affect the size of the text in the ListView

@Luis_Azuaga Could you please post aia files here?

The AIA (it is simply a ListView with two items.)
Prueba_list_view.aia (1.7 KB)

Execute and vary between the following elements of the Sizing property of the Screen1 screen

If I recall correctly, we did have Fixed sizing support in an earlier version of iOS but on iPads it made the UI absolutely huge. We might be able to fiddle with the old code to get the behavior correct. Generally, I'd recommend using Responsive over Fixed sizing anyway as this was a kludge added to App Inventor when Android started introducing screens with varying DPIs. The introduction of tablets to the market made it even more problematic. We may need to cap the scaling factor for tablets if we restore the Fixed sizing logic on iOS.

Screen fixed. Font size 50 pixels.