Flip an Image from a Camera

Hello community,

I try to make a simple app. I want to take a picture from a technical drawing and flip it horizontally. I found some hints to do that but it does not work.


The picture taken from camera disappears when pressing the "flip"-button.

Can anybody help me please?

This extension by @Mika was developed long before the Scoped Storage concept was introduced (2018 or 2019, as far as I remember), so it no longer works on Android 11+.

Search @Taifun's extensions dir on his website:

for an alternative.

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My question is... when I take the foto with the camera is it then saved automatically somewere in file system? I did not save it expliciitly. My hope was that it all works at runtime.

It is stored in ASD
The After Picture event provides the exact path to the stored image


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@Taifun okay... i am not sure if i understand it right. @Anke see the problem in the major changes in file system. I thought that "imageA" is not a path but the picture data itself.

your post i found somewhere in forum

unfortunately i do not know how i can combine your extension with the other one i tried to use for the flip functionality :cry:

This is it

Display it in a label to find it out

To flip the image folliw the suggestion to find an alternative image extension, which is able to flip images


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@Taifun Okay. thank you. will have a look for a simple app in play store. the only thing i could find ist that one. but it is not from MIT AI page and can only be downloaded with a registration.

The extension should only work on Android < 11 with WRITE permission, because on Android 11+ you cannot write/save in the root dir of the extenal storage but only in (special) Shared folders.

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I have just updated my ImageConvertor extension to include "flip":

Here, the image file on disk is flipped horizontally after the camera image is obtained.


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@TIMAI2 it works like a charm. Thanks a lot. I adapted it a little bit. Now I can flip vise versa. As you can to it with a solder station for ciruit board :wink:

The only small problem is that the picture is rotated. I think it is due to a flag in the exif / meta data caused by orientation sensor of the smartphone.

but that i think i can handle with your rotation functionality!

THANK YOU AGAIN :slight_smile:

Take camera photos with the device turned to landscape.