I try to make a simple app. I want to take a picture from a technical drawing and flip it horizontally. I found some hints to do that but it does not work.
The picture taken from camera disappears when pressing the "flip"-button.
This extension by @Mika was developed long before the Scoped Storage concept was introduced (2018 or 2019, as far as I remember), so it no longer works on Android 11+.
My question is... when I take the foto with the camera is it then saved automatically somewere in file system? I did not save it expliciitly. My hope was that it all works at runtime.
@Taifun okay... i am not sure if i understand it right. @Anke see the problem in the major changes in file system. I thought that "imageA" is not a path but the picture data itself.
@Taifun Okay. thank you. will have a look for a simple app in play store. the only thing i could find ist that one. but it is not from MIT AI page and can only be downloaded with a registration.
The extension should only work on Android < 11 with WRITE permission, because on Android 11+ you cannot write/save in the root dir of the extenal storage but only in (special) Shared folders.
@TIMAI2 it works like a charm. Thanks a lot. I adapted it a little bit. Now I can flip vise versa. As you can to it with a solder station for ciruit board
The only small problem is that the picture is rotated. I think it is due to a flag in the exif / meta data caused by orientation sensor of the smartphone.
but that i think i can handle with your rotation functionality!