if you play this game you know that when score is 5 , 10 , or 15 .......
the pipe Y changes ... how can i fix it?
[mod edit: qr code removed]
No-one is likely to scan a qrcode, please provide an aia project.
I played the game (very poorly) until I read score 5, and it jumped to score 6 when i crashed.
I think the number 5 comes from the length of the pool of pairs of sprites (top and bottom pipes) that sweep past the flappy bird.
There is also a (mostly) constant) variable with a 5 row 2 column table used to prime pairs of pipes at entry to the screen on the right.
The number 5's involvement must be coming from the code that shuffles these lists in advance to doling out new pipes 5 at a time, instead of separating the extension of the input stream from the shuffle operation.
That's as far as I'm invested in that code.