Fixing the app to work in a correct way

Hello Everyone,
Please, I need your help to fix my project to work in a correct way.
There are 4 pages in the asset ( 1.csv, 2.csv,3.csv and 4.csv ) each single csv file is a complete page.
When I open the app I click start button in order to call the first csv file( page 1) and then I can flip between each csv file ( each page)

Please help me to let the app works in a correct way.

And what would the correct way be?

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Hello Peter,

It would be flip page by page but when I flip left side it calls page number 3 instead of page number 2 and stops in page number 3 instead of continue flipping to reach the last page.


Or on Android 10+ (with Companion) :

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Hello Anke,
I have edited the path to asset and I still doesn't work in correct way. So, would you please have a look to the block and see if there is any other mistakes.