Firebase Tags and Their values in add list

I want to achieve tags from firebase in a list and same their values in a list with same series as tags or can be add in dictionary component, key as tags and values as values.

Later i want to call Values from their values, Please help me to get the tags and values from firebase in a dictionary component as well as in list component.
My block image attached below:-
I am totally making it on my MIT Ai2 Account Now!!!

about time too...

Are you using your own firebase project or the MIT provided one ?

If the first, please show your database structure from the firebase console, and the name of your projectBucket.

One more question, are you using the us-central server ? The Firebase component will only work with that.



Yes, I am using US centre server.

Why you put /n in the code?

I didn't, I put \n.

This makes a new line in the label to display the output.

How can I set this in dictionary blocks?

How can I use this in if then block?
Like if tag = KJD then save value in SKUBARCODE variable = 1234567890

Two ways:

with projectBucket set to KinnkoScan, will return everything under that projectBucket as a dictionary: