Firebase Realtime Database v/s Google Sheets. Which Do I use?

Hello !

I am working on a an app which requires for users to use a Login Id and a password to Login. The app would store and retrieve some data. This Is currently being managed by firebase realtime database and as of now I have limited this to 10 users.
Spark plan In Firebase Realtime Database (FRD) It has a limitation of storing 1 GB of data and 10 GB downloading. Beyond which I have to upgrade to a paid plan.
If in near future If I wish to increase the number of users and data (Includes only of letters and numbers) which flows in and out of My app,

  • Then would it be advisable to switch to google sheets ?
  • Is there a limitation to google sheets as it is in FRD for a free plan?

Any relevant Information would be of great help.
Thanks in advance :smile:

@TIMAI2 you have given me great refrences before for switching to google sheets , I hope you would be able to guide me better.

Using google sheets you may also hit a quota limit, especially if your spreadsheet is public. You can overcome this by using an intermediate web app so that all the "traffic" to and from the private spreadsheet is seen as being "you".

Both firebase and google sheets will just stop working if you hit their respective limits (we have seen scare stories about folks running up massive bills on Firebase but this is not the case with the free spark plan

Oh okay , I would stick to Firebase Spark plan for now and Try and create With google sheets as well.

I would definitely need more help for this when I reach that stage. But I can say , now is not a perfect time.

Thank you so much Tim :smile: