Firebase ProjectBucket data help


Firebase 3 kullanıcı grubu oluştumak ve bu 3 kullanıcıyı farklı işlevlere yönlendirmek için bir proje geliştirmek istiyorum.

Ekte gönderdiğim ekran görüntülerinden sanırım anlaşılır.

yardımız için şimdiden teşekkür ederim.

FirebaseUsers.aia (3.7 KB)

I think your data structure is causing problems for you.

Your organization requires knowing in advance the classification user/superuser/admin of a user to login or register.

Consider this structure instead:

    Username: ABG
    Password: oopsie 
    Rights: superuser 
    Username: admin 
    Password: admin 
    Rights: admin 
   Username: Alfred E Newman
   Password: whatmeworry
    Rights: user

Bir örnek yapmanız mümkün mü?

Teşekkür ediyorum.

Dear ABG,

There may be typos because I'm using translation. I'm sorry about that.

Could you please edit the FirebaseUserLogin.aia I added for me? I've been trying for days and couldn't find a solution. I'm grateful already.
FirebaseUserLogin.aia (43.1 KB)

I commented on what it would be like within the block.

This section of code should crash.

Spinner1 is a Spinner, not a Textbox, so in procedure clearTextboxes it should not be hit in global textboxes.

Remove it from that list and treat it like a Spinner in that procedure.
(I am not clear on how you clear a Spinner, since I avoid them.)

I removed it as you said. If there was no solution, I would like you to review and correct the .aia I sent, if possible. I know many people are asking for help like this. If you have the chance to look, I would be grateful.

I am slowed down by having to jump back and forth between the Designer and Blocks Editor to match up button names and their functions, making it harder to verify their Click events.

Complexity is my nemesis.

Thank you. I tried hard but I can't find a solution. I was saddened by the failure after trying for days.

It actually works, but I'm stuck at some places. Such as not being able to access the user data from the user group and Firebase database

I can't see your Firebase contents because the Firebase component has been cleared.

Show what is stored.

This is garbage.

What were you thinking?

Part of the problem is not knowing the context when data arrives from Firebase.

There are some solutions:

Leave notes to yourself in global variables when you ask for data, like an amnesiac leaves paper notes for himself for later

Add extra Firebase components in the designer for special purposes like signin, to simplify Event logic. Rename them to mention that purpose.