I wonder if it is possible to set all the costumers of an user in a list by a variable type set in the spinner. For example: First we touch the spinner and select the filter: Search by name,Email,Address,City.(I don't know if it could be done by their indexes), and let's pretend I choose filter by name. Right after the spinner, all costumers name from the current user should be set in the ListPicker, and when I click on a costumer in the listpicker all his information would fill each of the blank text boxes according to each information on the costumers row. Is it possible to do that? Can I use the "get web" or Firebase get value? Sorry about my english! I'm a bit desperated!
Now it works! But I still messing up somewhere in my blocks. When I click on read data it gets the entire data of the database, and not just the costumer.
This is a listview. I thought that by clicking on the costumer on the listview it would fill all the blank textboxes up to it. I'm confused! And stuck on this problem!
This is probably related to a Firebase parameter called the Bucket.
It is intended to give you a starting point in the Firebase data tree when you don't want all of it, but just a small branch of the tree.
From your data dump, I see there are several layers to your tree, so you probably need to have your Bucket pointing deep into the tree.
It has been a while since I did Firebase, but I am guessing there might be one of two ways to point the Bucket deep into the tree:
set the Bucket to the first layer (the top), then set it to that long garbage string, then set it to Yago if you just want Yago, or
set the Bucket to all the branch choices on your way down, JOINed together with '/' between each layer and the next. ('/' is special in Firebase and CloudDB, as I recall.)
Maybe some one who has used FireBase recently can remind me?
Wouldn't be easier, in case there are no authentication rules in firebase, to use Web component to get all data from firebase ?
We can set Web1.Url to
and then when Web1.GotText we get responce content in json format. Afterwards dictionary blocks can be used and lists can be created according to needs
Thanks ABG! I'll try to do that. I noticed that even when I changed the index on the blocks, when I hit the read button, it gets the entire data from the UI. Maybe we need to cut the bucket somewhere and split the data. Thank you very much man!
This app is still in Test Version, till we finish it. When everything works well I will change the rules and authentication. I am depending on this app to continue in my first job as a developer. I know that I still need to learn tons of things,work on my logic, my codes. And all the times I needed, the community was there to save my skin! Just want to thank all of you!