When I use Firebase I add the Firebase URL and the Token from the secret data. Normally if you use a Firebase GOT value you can receive the information you ask but when I check the Firebase download USE directly from Google statistic I see that you not only get what you ask, you get all the data base information stored. For example if your database size is 35Mb and you make a request as GOT VALUE of a variable of 5Kb you receive internally the 35Mb database and the metrics confirm that, so you see you variable but all the database too. The main problem is that you only got 10Gb free per month wich is good but these problem make you use a lot of MB from your cellphone pack if youre not using WiFi and also reduce the 35Mb from the initial 10Gb every time you open the app you make, even if you only ask for a single 5Kb variable. This is a problem from this year, I check every month the usage and entering this year I received this request and I find the cause just now because it got worst when you make a bigger database. How can I get only the info that I am asking again as before?.
Show your relevant blocks and an example of your firebase data structure, and your billable metrics graph.
I open the app several days in this month to see the size of the download. In the code I just ask for a variable call ICS1150, in the picture is the data that is included. The full size of the database is 37.9Mb and every time I open the app the hole database was download. Is not normal and I am not new in this, that is why I am checking it because this code and this data base I´ve been using it to make some tests since 2 years ago.
Open the App one time
Open the app one time
Open the app 5 times
Unique variable I ask
Data in that variable
Are you making any other calls to Firebase in your Screen.Initialise event ?
Confirm the value of your global ConfigPrincipal
The bucket its empty as initial configuratión. In one case I used GotValue and in another DataChanged and I got the same result. Also I used a random Token and the Token of the secret data but same result.
An empty bucket will return ALL the data in your firebase project!