Everything related to firebase works well except for the block "Firebase .DataChenged". What can I do or check?
On valueIfNotGotThere use craeteEmptyList
How it should look?
It doesn't work as written here
A guess is the DataChangged Block does not work as you expect is your use of the conditional statements ( if ... ).
These Blocks look wrong. If the condition you specify
never happens, the Blocks it points to will not execute.
Here are examples showing how the conditional Blocks should be used Programming Your App to Make Decisions, perhaps that information will help.
I suspect, but do not know, the get start value block may be one of several issues.
doesn't work
Are you sure ... ? Check this ...
The token is always the same. I didn't change it
It is written there "No Web API Key for this project "
It was generated. I copied it to the project, but it still doesn't work.
Also, for example, on the screen "Loby", this block works through the "If"
You are using two firebase's components. Have you changed properties for both of them on all screens ?
Yes, except ProjectBucket