i want firebase realtime database secure rules with blocks
anyone can please tell
Please elaborate more.
tag = to uid
"rules": {
"<ProjectBucket>": {
"$uid": {
".read": true,
// or ".read": "auth.uid != null" for only authenticated users
".write": "auth.uid == $uid"
You cannot use the Firebase Experimental Component when you have secure rules in place, it will give you permissions errors.

project bucket = users
uid = PyfiBgia9wYISbfR08CTrEU3XnA2
what is this = -O-j8MCe1c0pqVL-gGdV
tag = tag
value = value
If you read my guide, you would see that using POST generates a timestamped alpha-numeric tag for your data. If you do not want that, and just want to store the tag:value, then use PUT.
thank you
Do you want to use Firestore ?
I know I have learnt from this
I want security rules
Check the block images
You already posted that image. There is clearly something wrong with your rules / authentication / blocks.
Re-read the guides and documentation, try something different, then see what happens. If you still get an error, then show your rules, firebase console data, and your blocks.
Do you have a space after "Bearer " ?
You did not show this...
(Have you also tried this without security, as a first step into the dark world of Firestore?)
Yes I have not given space now it's working
Thank you so much