I've created a very barebones MIT App Inventor app which should upload data that the user enters onto a Firebase Database. When I hit the 'Send Data' button on my phone (I've used the AI Companion-QR Code method to connect my android device), nothing happens on the database. It stays empty.
I've gone through nearly every tutorial and forum post online but found nothing that fixes my problem.
Here are my settings in both MIT App Inventor and Firebase:
1.Firebase Properties
2. Blocks
3. Database Rules
4. Designer Section
Additional Points:
a. I've pasted the FirebaseURL from the realtime database section in firebase
b. Server chosen is United States
c. Firebase Token is default (I didn't change anything). Project Bucket is the same as the project name. ( I didn't change anything here either)
I've been trying to solve this problem for over a day now, any help is greatly appreciated.