Firebase Data Store Problem

I want to save data like this in firebase :

The manual saved value Got as :
This is needed below and got by manual saved.

Do It Result: {"Designation":"Media Prabhari","State":"Uttar Pradesh","City":"Ka","District":"Bshahr","Name":"Harsh Vardhan Solanki","Password":"Hars"}

and I Try with dictionary block like this :

And Got value like this :

Do It Result: {"8xxxxxx9x":{"Name":"Harsh Vardhan Solanki","Password":"Hars","Designation":"","District":"","City":"","State":""}}

Information are try to hidden but showing clearly what i am trying to achieve.

I don’t really understand what do you mean, but I think that your problem is that it returns JSON as a dictionary?

Please read and help me

First Block is for decoding the JSON output to dictionary.

@HarshVardhanSolanki try doing my above response.

Use the web component:

otherwise you would need to send each key:value separately using the firebase component.

I already handle that my friend I want to store my data as in my first post's Firebase panel Image.

I cannot understand it, Please get me my fix Tim Ji

using a dictionary:

How to save multiple in Json, I am not understand json help me to store more than one tag and value.

See where I used a dictionary in the post above.

when is the do it result block shown



On GotValue Triggered.