Firebase data changed not giving proper value, Need Guidance

my firebase structure is like this
when data is changed

in the matchedPlayer Tag the value is Coming only Situ. But The value must come Situ Biltu.

but whenever i changed value like SituBiltu then its coming SituBiltu.

Why is that happening ?
What is the solution for this?

Store the data with an additional pair of double quotes

i use this block

so how do i do this?

Where is the matched player key/value pair?

in my html file ..
how to send my html file here?

Where ever you are setting the value the matchedPlayer in your html, surround the value with an additional pair of double quotes: "Situ Biltu" instead of Situ Biltu

If this value is already double quoted in your html, you may need to switch the outer pair to single quotes.

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