Estou com dificuldades com o banco de dados firebase, sendo mais específico estou conseguindo registrar no banco de dados, ler as informações, porém quando associo a informação do banco de dados no txtbox todas ficam com a mesma informação, gostaria de que a informação fosse registrada de forma individual
I am able to save the information in Firebase, but I cannot return the data satisfactorily
Is the screenshot how you want it to look when the data is returned?
Yes, I want you to return the date separately. the 5M1 button, for example, I want it to return the date corresponding to that code, 5M2 in the same way..., but it is returning the same date for everyone
Or are you unable to return data from Firebase?
The data is returning, but in the wrong way, I did a test using a notifier, every time I pressed the button to search the information changed.
If anything, I can send you the file. ia from the app.