Filter asd images to show in gallery

for my app i need to use the imagepicker, but i dont want the user to see all of the images in the gallery but only a part of it that is usefull for the app.
the pictures are saved on canvas and i save them as picture1,jpg ect...
is it possible to get only these pictures in the gallery?

i tryed making a new directory but that does not work, so maybe i can filter the content of the gallery somehow?

the path of the imigefile is: "file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/"
and then picture2 and picture2 and so on..

You cannot show images in your ASD in the Gallery.

You can copy these images to shared storage, then these will show in the gallery.

Here is one method for copying files from your ASD to Shared Storage:

See the section near the top, titled:
"Blocks to provide Files in ASD for upload"

thanxs tim this seems like a real good sulotion.
however i think i need another extension to get the "call file1 make directory block, because i cant find it anywere.

i have set the screen one to legacy and i installed webviewer and webviewextra extension
i also dragged a activitystarter.
were is the block that metric rat uses to be found?

You need the File Component

Were do i get it from? I cant find it?

Designer View -Palette - Storage - drag File component. Then go to block section and you will find it ...

or search for it ?


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yes found it:) thank you.