for my app i need to use the imagepicker, but i dont want the user to see all of the images in the gallery but only a part of it that is usefull for the app.
the pictures are saved on canvas and i save them as picture1,jpg ect...
is it possible to get only these pictures in the gallery?
i tryed making a new directory but that does not work, so maybe i can filter the content of the gallery somehow?
the path of the imigefile is: "file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/"
and then picture2 and picture2 and so on..
thanxs tim this seems like a real good sulotion.
however i think i need another extension to get the "call file1 make directory block, because i cant find it anywere.
i have set the screen one to legacy and i installed webviewer and webviewextra extension
i also dragged a activitystarter.
were is the block that metric rat uses to be found?