Hi, o file1.save funciona, mas o read, exist e delete não executa, dá error 908, versão android 14. para save usei o path /Download/teste1.txt
Long story short, post the aia. There is no need to request and grant MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
What is your goal/purpose? Your blocks make no sense at all. The File component uses a relative path. Why should/must the text file be stored here: /folder/file1.txt
(i.e. in a subdirectory of the root directory of the external storage)?
Sorry, the version I sent is really incorrect, I will send the correct version, this app was made by you and I changed some things. My goal is to just write and read a file in the /Download folder
AnkeExt2.aia (39.6 KB)
the read, exist and delete options do not work.
Of course they do. Remove this file from your test device first, because if the same file was previously created with another app (for example, with the compiled app), you will not be able to overwrite it on Android 11+.