I wanted to know if MIT-AI2 had API's that performed operations like Make Directory MKDIR, Change Directory CHDIR, and List Directory LSTDIR.

Ideally - I want to import the file directory into a text field within a block and perform necessary operations,

You can use a file manager extension.

the file extension creates directories automatically in case it does not exist for example if you are copying a file to somewhere

there also is a method FileList to list files of a given directory


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

Hello Donald

In the near future (Android 11), App developers are only going to be allowed full access to their App specific directory. MIT have already started to make AI2 compliant, it's a Google Security Measure.

How far this is going to go in terms of read/write/create elsewhere on the device I do not know, but sounds like it will be at the severe end of harsh.

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All file related extensions (if not updated soon) are not gonna work correctly on Android 10 and above. :joy:

Google nailed it.

That is precisely what I needed - Thanks loads - Dc

Thats ok - its in the realm of what I need - Thanks - Dc

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