This image is my realtimeDb and the Yellow Highlighted pen is the values that I wanted to get in order to display them to my listviewer elements.
Image here is the procedure that gets the values.
Image here is the method when the firebase .GotText the result from the procedure.
It doesnt work, it does not display the values to my list viewer.
This time, im seriously stuck in this problem and started to giving me a sore eyes.
(note: I've done searching this problem to the community that similar to this but it doesnt exist)
If you set tag like this (dictionary mode) , then do not use get tag.. It wont wont work. Alsways gey key value from get value. Even if you set, it will return what did you set as tag in previous step(GetValue block) it will return the same, I mean it will return (get tag =
This will be my last resort, use web component to fetch. I have also a little problem to this since everytime my app changes its page...The response changes and the worst is losing all those global variables . I found a way though by copying the .json to a dictionary global variable so that the values stays within the app.
Because I used .PostText instead of .PutText.
This is auto-generated by the firebase web component.
I've used .PostText since I want those hairstylist to be stored multiple times even if they have the same names. Using .PutText will just replace those tag with new values which is a pain since I cannot store multiple times.