[feature requests] MIT App Inventor Christmas gift

Hello everyone !
This Christmas season, it's time to place my order for gifts!
Here is my list of gifts:

  • enable / disable a spinner
  • Bluetooth client for IOS
    Thank you Santa Claus

Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:


Merry Christmas @Slegg
Are you publishing these guides as gifts in the community? Or do you want help for these?

Bye :christmas_tree:

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he is asking for these as gifts


I would like to have these features :slight_smile:

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Very cool...

I think it would be great if you create a feature request on GitHub using issue so one of the opensource contributors can take a look at the request.

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I hear that Santa is in fact working on Bluetooth for iOS. However, the reindeers might not be up to delivery for this Christmas.

Concerning the disabling of a Spinner, I will add that to our ToDo list. In the mean time, here is a work-around. A button is used simply to demo disabled/enabled, in your App that would be whatever event you choose:

DisableSpinner.aia (3.0 KB)


Hi Chris,
Thanks for the hope of Bluetooth IOS !!!
You helped me a lot last year for an app that still works perfectly! on Android for now ...
Great your idea of the button. I will try it while waiting for its certain update !!!

Merry christmas !