Feature Request: Export Designs

I started working on a new project, I wanted to copy a design (like Layout with components and their design and each component) from another project I did, but there is no way to do it.
It would be good if you could download a design of a certain component as png (like downloading blocks) and then mount it in the designer of the new project.
Can you add this option in the next update?

Make a copy of your project with the layout
Delete everything you do not need in that copy
Use that copy to start your new project

It’s no longer possible, I’ve almost finished working on the new project

This is in progress:

You can try out a version of it here: http://edit.ai2-ewpatton-temp.appspot.com



Thanks! Glad to hear that you are working on it!
I just didn’t understand where this possibility was in the trial version

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