FAQ section: Other Block Languages (On the Web)

App Inventor (http://appinventor.mit.edu): Creation of Android apps using in-browser blocks IDE

Blockly Games (https://blockly-games.appspot.com/): A set of puzzles to solve with programming blocks

Code.org (http://code.org): A variety of tools including puzzle programming exercises with tutorial videos

GameBlox (https://gameblox.org): Game creation that includes clonable agents, physics, and more

Pencil Code (https://pencilcode.net): Creates Coffee-Script Web apps, transforming between text and blocks

Scratch (https://scratch.mit.edu): In-browser animation and game creation, with support for extensions

Snap! (http://snap.berkeley.edu): Enhanced language inspired by Scratch that includes first class functions

StarLogo Nova (http://www.slnova.org): Multi-agent simulations and games in a 3D rendered world