Fail when using bluetoothLE Extension


i need your help, i was developing an app to measure BLE devices using bluetoothLE extension (i found it here ). Everything was ok while i developed it. Even i downloaded the finished app and it works ok. The problem is when im trying to edit this app again. It shows its functions (given by this extension) transparent, showing a FAIL. Then i couldnt continuig editing this.

could you please provide a screenshot of that?
probably you disabled the blocks by accident?
do a right mouse click onto one of these blocks and select Enable Block from the context menu


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

You probably pasted saved blocks from another app from your backpack. If there were expansion blocks in the backpack that are not in this app, the project crashes and nothing can be done. Send the aia file and I'll see what's wrong and edit it manually.