Face Attendance App

I have been created the Face Attendance App.
here you can scan your face and can mark your attendance. this is beta version and needed many changes. so here is the apk

and you will get aia here:


Was this app made in App Inventor or Kodular?

i already mentioned on thumbnail its mit app inventor

Good App :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Thank you

Updated Download link is here:

Why does the website say it is only supported on Kodular Fenix? You must post it in the Kodular community if it only supports in Kodular!

unlisted, app was made in Kodular

ooo sorry its mit app inventor aia. typing error


Why don't you just post your free aia here instead of forcing users to get it from a website?

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Because i want to built my own portfolio as taifun do so no one ask him.

Taifun doesn't force users to get an account to get his free extensions

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I just downloaded the aia file myself and can confirm that it is possible to import it into App Inventor without error, I will list this thread again


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I have a Create Account option to store their downloads in the My Downloads section. I don't really need users data. And I wanted nothing to do with it. I am very happy with what I have. But your question is logical that why the website forces the user to create an account so I will bring the option to download without account so that those who don't want to store in my downloads will go with that option.
I am truly sorry.

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This doesn't work as it is intended.

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Can you share more information so I can fix them.

Aia file size too large and it will not load into kodular or appinventor. Also the demo apk recognises me as 2 different person.

this is app inventor aia file. not a kodular aia file.