[F/OS] Text Drawable - An extension to create drawable for text

Text Drawable

This extension helps you to create image or drawable with letters for profile with a lot of customizations. This extension saves the drawable in your external storage directory and then it can be used in setting view's background and picture of images.

Let's see it's blocks

All Blocks


Read the documentation here.



This event raises when the drawable created and saved in to the external storage. It will give the path.


This block creates the drawable of given text with given heigth and width. Created event will be triggered when the drawable created.

blocks (3)

Property for getting and setting the background color of drawable.

blocks (4)

Property for getting and setting the corner radius of the drawable.

blocks (5)

Property for getting and setting the font bold.

blocks (6)

Property for getting and setting the font size of the text.

blocks (7)

Property for getting and setting the file name.

blocks (8)

Property for getting and setting the stroke color of the drawable.

blocks (9)

Property for getting and setting the stroke width of the drawable.

blocks (10)

Property for getting and setting the text color.

blocks (11)

Property for getting and setting the custom font typeface to text.

How to Use

The extension is very simple to use. you just have to set the properties accordingly and then Create it.




Open Source


Thanks @shreyash for his super rush


If you liked my work then donate if you can


Works for all android versions? What is the default save path by version ? (e.g. <10 or 10+ )

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Wow Nice Job :heart_eyes: :+1:


Epic work @iamwsumit

Method "getExternalStorageDirectory()" has been deprecated at API level 29.



Very nice extension :blush:

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Version 2

Second update of the extension released.

Bug Fixes

  • Extension was not working on APK. It has been fixed.


  • Extension save the images in ASD(App Specific Directory) now.
  • Extension ask the permission own if not allowed then you would need to ask own.
  • An id parameter is added to Create and Created block to identify the event triggered.
  • Deprecated methods has been removed from it.

Extension has been updated and can be downloaded from the above post.

Source Code has been updated.

An MIT AI2 extension that helps you to create image or drawable with letters for profile with a lot of customizations - GitHub - Sumit1334/Text-Drawable: An MIT AI2 extension that helps you to crea...

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