[F/OS] 🧠 Artificial Intelligence and OpenAI!

I'm sorry, the previous API keys that two generous donors gave to me had all expired on May 1. I'm unable to test. I'm sorry.

Hi Gordon, Will the extensions not work on testing via Emulator downloaded in Desktop as well?

I am getting the attached runtime error when running your code via Desktop emulator. Please Help

Hi Neha,

The emulator is using an old Android version. I have no guarantee that this will work in the emulator. Try using it on a real Android device.

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Hello everyone.

The API key that was provided generously by two users has expired, unfortunately. I'm unable to register myself because I have a Hong Kong phone number. If you would like to help me out for a few days by providing me an API key, I'd be extremely grateful.

The extension solely relies on privately shared API keys to test the extension. Without your support, maintaining this extension is impossible. Please help out if you can.

Thank you.

it is not working


no response coming

openai.aia (125.3 KB)

please help :pray:

Try with the A models?

I want steam response :sweat_smile:🥲

error is still there



what else can i do?
please tell :pray:

Do you have an error event to detect the error? Use the Error event in the extension.

P.S.: this is not ChatGPT. ChatGPT is another model which is unrelated to this extension.

this is not chatgpt? why? what to do?

perhaps you might want to read the original topic a bit more carefully...

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And also this...this is an AI extension similar to ChatGPT under the same organization but not ChatGPT.

Please search before posting.

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Please stop spamming. Did you add an Error event to detect the error, and then display the error when it occurs?

Update: The reason for why the B models do not work is because you must sign up for an OpenAI waitlist in order to use GPT-4. Find it here: GPT-4 API waitlist

@MINHAJUL_HASAN, does this help?

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kind of random a bit, here is some code, no idea why it aint responding

You provided a string of data such as height and weight, but you did not specify what they are individually. Also, you might have overwhelmed the bot by providing so much data...

the point is that there is an extreme amount of data, and also the main thing is that I need it work for a school project its like a self improvement type app. the data is already defined in a previous screen and is has a value already

what do you mean by not defined individually?