[F/OS] 🧠 Artificial Intelligence and OpenAI!

I send for your private @gordonlu310

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Fixed the error. The error is not due to the extension, but a misconception between the Button. LostFocus and Button. Click blocks. Please check your message.

look what is the problem +i dont have model

when i click send nothing happend


As mentioned,

Please search the thread next time. Thank you.

The Model u can use this options


Like this

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bast aix, thanks for make this extension

Hi Gordon,

suddenly since last night every prompt gives me the following error: expected literal value at charcater 0 of }

The app I'm using worked fine for many weeks until last night and I haven't made any changes.

Is it possible that something has changed in the API management?

Have others also had the same problem?

Otherwise I can not give me an explanation.

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Let me check. I haven't encountered this issue, but I never updated it in these few weeks. It's possible that it is due to a change in the API.


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Well, MIT didn't change anything, but it is quite possible that OpenAI (the providers of ChatGPT) did.

Are you using the Stream block?

If yes, does it work with the Chat block?

I am using both Stream block and Chat block. Clearly to generate different prompts, each with its own dedicated event blocks. All within the same app.

... so the error occurs for both blocks?

Yes exactly

Alright, I'll see.

EDIT: Issue resolved.

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where to dowload?

Read the first post carefully.

Ps, did you notice that there ia a new native component called ChatBot?

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رادریافت کنم api keyمن نتوانستم

Hello Amin,

I do not understand what issue you are facing. Please describe the error in detail, and show the blocks that cause the error.

I can't get the api key