External link won't open

I use custom webview by @vknow360

A link (https://google.com/maps/...) used to open in Google maps from my app but from last few days it's not working when link is clicked nothing happens..
I haven't modified anything in app inventor not updated my app !!

A guess is the WebViewer doesn't know where you are at. You didn't share your code so can only guess.

  • perhaps no LocationSensor data available
  • perhaps no WIFI Are you connected to WIFI or network? The app requires the Internet,

The following code works to display a location in Mumbai in the regular WebView on an Android 8.1 but will not in the emulator.bombay
Will also work https://www.google.com/maps/@19.076,72.8777,15z with your PC/s browser.


Make sure DeepLink property is enabled.

deep links are already set to true. :neutral_face:
please check if something is wrong

Wait...which version of extension are you using?
There was an issue in V10 where click was not working.

how can i check the extension version ??

Click on help icon (?) given there.

@vknow360 please have a look

Oh...post an APK.

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Oh I solved it actually the links were open in external window and so it didnt work as soon as i made it open internally it worked !! :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:
Thanks @vknow360 for your support

I think i have the same problem. How you solved?

Hello Siddharth,

I have the same problem, request you to share your code blocks.

Thanks and Regards,
Keshav Murthy

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