Extensions from @Atom_Developer

Please atom i paid for alarm extension and it need to update to work sdk 31 , the problem is that i cannot upgraded through google play due to this problem.

I talked to him personally, but he doesn't really provide an upgrade to his premium (paid) extension anymore.

So don't waste your time and look for another similar extension. :man_shrugging:

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This responsibility rests with kodular because it allowed developers to display their contributions without obligating them to continue with subscribers who already paid for extension

You cannot expect a person to give support and updates to extension throughout his lifetime...


Lifetime! it only few months ago
Second when a developer offer an extension he should mention that there will no be supporting after sell

The lifetime of a solution can be only until the next mandatory Google SDK update...

In your case it was only a few months...

Unfortunately Google decided to restrict the Android system more and more... a working solution today does not mean it still works after the next update...

But in your case there are other solutions available, see @Anke's suggestion... but also that solution might stop working one day...

Alternatively you could write your own extension and create the functionality yourself...

more information about how to create an extension see the App Inventor Extensions document
however that will be more advanced and will require some Java skills...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.


If so any developer who publish an extension should mention that he is not committed to any upgrade to any new sdk version.Initialy Mit and similar platforms are design for non programmers user , so creating a sophisticated extension like alarm extension is not something easy..I have 100k and i cannot upgrade my app again

unless you follow the advice above, and use one of the other solutions available.

This appears to be a case of caveat emptor - before purchasing you should ask the seller about warranty / future upgrades. Some developers do advise on this, and on the most part, it is generally accept in the community that nothing lasts forever....


Exactly, and that for a ridiculous one-time fee of only ~$20.

How about the users finally defending themselves against Google's absurd restriction policy, because ONLY Goggle is responsible for the whole mess. (And always under the pretext of ensuring the security interests of users.)


Thats will be great help to me

Yes, this is quite annoying since most of the information about the extensions seems to be here :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

you might want to explain what exactly you are trying to do...
probably there are other solutions available,,,


Never mind, I have found a way to get around my issue. Thank you though!

Is there an extension called "fillform.aix" that allows us to fill in a web form based on the "name" field rather than the "id" field?

perhaps com.atomdeveloper.FillForm.aix (10.6 KB)

Hi Thank you very much for your reply. In this extension, we can fill in the "id" field. I need the one according to the "name" field..