Extensions from @Atom_Developer

The posts are removed unfortunately, you may still find some basic information at atomdeveloper.com


Okay thank you :slight_smile:

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Hi, you still have the TinyDB Backup extension because I've looked it up in several places and unfortunately I couldn't find it.
if you still have, can you pass me?
i had her on my hd but it burned and i lost her.

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you can find it here

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Hi taifun, I already tried to download it from the site but it says the file is no longer available.
I've tried it several times and nothing, every link I've visited says it's no longer available.
I would so much like to have it again, I've tried other extensions but it didn't work for me.


The same thing happened to me.

I want Manifest Generator extension but I could not find it...
This website is not opening. (https://atomdeveloper.com/manifestgenerator.html)
And this kodular link is dead. (https://community.kodular.io/t/free-manifest-extension-add-manifest-elements-to-your-app-manifest-generator/93143?u=taifun)

@Atom_Developer Can you help me ?

I think currently he is only active in telegram.

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i have the TinyDB Backup extension, write to my telegram @hifamilyg :pray: @gordonlu310 @isaeltutoriais_soare

you can contact @Atom_Developer privately here https://community.niotron.com/u/krish/summary

as alternative just use Get all TinyDB Extension by Juan Antonio to backup TinyDB as Text or JSON format

PS I will close this thread

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I need an extension Manifest
I searched for it in the community and didn't find it
I came up with the extension creator but not the active
If anyone has

The manifest generator extension is a webpage, which creates an extension according to your needs... as the webpage is down, you will not be able to generate the extension anymore...


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Hi everyone,
Check out this URL - ATOM DEVELOPER'S ALL EXTENSIONS LIST (Exception : Manifest Generator)

The extension was generated by
Unfortunately this is no longer available.


Hi atom
For a paid extension how could we get the upgrade version of your alarm extension

Is there an upgrade available ? If so where ?

Im looking for upgrade also

I believe that you will find AtomDeveloper has stopped creating/developing extensions, there are no updates.

Yes, try this one: