On our PC we have created a structure of a website with .htm files and image subdirectory.
We compressed that structure into a web.zip (660 KB).
We upload it to the asset of our application.
We CopyFile the web.zip from the Asset to the Application directory.
We Unzip the web.zip file in the web subdirectory.
Through the WebViewer component we see the local website: App/web/index.htm
1.for file name, what about set it's default directory as ASD, that means, if we write 'web.zip', or '/web.zip', it will save file to ASD, no need to join 'getAsdPath' block. You just need to check if the file name starts with '/storage/emulated/0/...'
For Clouddb, it will convert a file to BASE64 and save it on line if you give the 'valueToStore' a full file path, no need to change to Base64 manually .
But it should also be possible to save (unzip) directly to one of the Shared folders (/Documents or /Download). Of course without storage permissions on Android 11+.
... and if it's unzipped into the Shared folder /Documents, such files can later also be accessed with other apps using SAF. This would not be possible if only unzipping into the ASD.
@Juan_Antonio Sorry that we / I have expanded your topic a bit. But these questions/issues arose.
Maybe you or someone else should move the last posts to a new topic.
I created the possibility of converting to Base64 to be able to upload the information to "another" cloud, such as FireBaseDB or a PHP code in a hosting.