Any advance extension Developer here means who can make an extension for all community members means for free
Extension applovin ads
Applovin extension requires aar file which is not currently supported in appinventor.
So, it is not possible to create applivin ad extension
Because I see many developper submit free extension in community like admob and unity ads and vungle
Enhance put their sdk in the application,, google play rejected all the sdk that not family ads in the children application
Then You can use other ai2 distros...
Hi @Android_Builder staff, other AI2 distributions won't help or that will not work well as it is based on App Inventor. App Inventor does not support aar files so it does not work, stil...
But Other builders support .aar files too.
then i would recommend using kodular or android builder! @Android_Builder, @111330
which supports aar
Hmm if you want to use android builder then you can use it coz android builder already has applovin & max ads...
That is why i like Andoid builder as well !
now this is getting #off-topic as we are not talking about app inventor