OK, it appears to work with that file ID (you do not need to know where it is, it is on my Google Drive).
Strange that it failed to work on one occasion?
This looks like a network issue at your end, if blocks are correct, file ID is correct.
yes sir, i dont need to know where it is source file, but if i want to download that file, how to do that ? because until now, it just appear from notifier
You only need the file ID to download the file, I have provided example blocks already for this
i dont think so, i dont know where the problem, but when i trien with new screen on the same project, its success, so i think, the problem in that screen
"If the blocks are correct". You can share your aia project (that doesn't work) so I can take a look.
Yes you can, or you can move/copy it to a shared directory if you have permission. You need a good reason for this. Why do you need the csv file somewhere else? This is beyond the scope of this topic, so search the community for all the examples of saving files to shared directories (and the issues that can arise when doing this)