Extension for the game granny by dvloper

hello everyone i am new to this community and this is my second post only i am trying to make my favorite game by editing and adding some featuring please i do not not want to disregard anyone please if you have or you are making it or you know how to make it please try to upload it in this post it would be really helpful

What about providing a link to that game?
Is there an API available?


what is an API can you please explain in detail

Protip: do a Google search
For example


can you please explain it in short please

Why not provide us with details about the game you wish to develop?

granny is a 2017 indie survival horror video game developed and published by Dennis Vukanovic under the name DVloper as a spin of to his earlier slendrina series . this game feature an unnamed protagonist trapped in a house needing to solve puzzles while avoiding titular Granny antagonist get out of the house in a period of five or six days

if you need i can post the play store link for this game

What is it you need help with if you are making your own version of the game in AppInventor?

How far have you got to date?

Show your relevant blocks

sorry if i have said something wrong but i need the aix file for this game

As far as I am aware, there is no aix, extension or any other "files" associated with the game you mention, certainly nothing for AppInventor.

Perhaps you are asking in the wrong community?

closing ....

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Most games like these are built with a game engine, like Unity. Doing such a thing with App Inventor would be quite remarkable, really. If you want to get into game development, try searching that phrase up on YouTube, Udemy, Coursera, or a similar platform.

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