Export file as excel, csv, save as csv, no SD card, extension can do that

i have app create a file contain data , i need to save it as csv file, i haven't SD card on my android, i need to export save and share as csv file, what can i do, IS THERE EXTENSION CAN DO THAT...android version >11

Which database? TinyDB?

There are extensions to export a TinyDB to a file... what about doing a search in the extensions directory for TinyDB?


Yes, but where is the problem with the File component?

Your file will be stored in the ASD, you can read more about that here Some basics on Android storage system

If you use a good file explorer like Total Commander you can find your file there... or you store it in shared storage...


I haven't used the Sharing component yet, but I would look into it.

There are no problems with the Sharing component.