Exploring How Open Source Contributions Shape App Inventor Extensions?

Hi everyone,

I'm fairly new to the world of open source and just started exploring how different projects evolve through community contributions. Recently, I got curious about how the extensions available for MIT App Inventor are developed and maintained.

A few questions popped into my mind:

  • How do open source contributors decide what kind of extensions to build for App Inventor?
  • Are there any specific GitHub repositories or communities that focus solely on App Inventor extensions?
  • What's the general workflow when someone wants to contribute a new feature or fix a bug in an extension?

Iā€™d love to hear from experienced folks here. If you've contributed or followed the development of any open source extensions, it would be great if you could share your insights or even some links to active projects!

Thanks in advance!

  • personal requirement
  • requirement of others
  • spotting "a gap" that needs filling (things that can't be done with native components)
  • the joy of coding to solutions :wink:
  • nowhere specific. Some developers use githib many do not, some post their code on the community (here or on the other builder communities), others have their own websites/blogs to make their exntesions available. Some don't obscure the code in their extensions.
  • generally they ask/comment on the topic where the extension is published.

n.b. I made this a wiki, so that anyone can add/amend to the lists I started