Every key I click makes a sound is nice but, it might annoy in some moments, so I wanted to add a key to disable all sounds and I thought about using switch but I can't get it to work

Sto sbagliando qualcosa.. qualcuno mi puo aiutare?

You have to explain some more. What is not working? What result would you expect. I had to put your topic title in Google Translate because your topic text doesn't say much.

Sorry write in English ..
Can someone help me?
I can't get switch to work
Basically I would like that when I set switch to of I disable the sound

Right sorry you can to help me?

Every key I click makes a sound is nice but, it might annoy in some moments, so I wanted to add a key to disable all sounds and I thought about using switch but I can't get it to work

photo too blur, I can not see clearly.
Right click on the block zone, and download the block photo, then upload here.

OK thanks
blocks (3)

blocks (1)

Must to be simple but i wrong something.. Thank you for help me

so every time you want to play the sound you need to check if switch is on

if(switch1.on) then {

Yes wich block must to use?

if... then block
switch.on block
player1.start block

blocks (4)

This is right?

Ok everyting it's ok now. Thank you veri much

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