ESP32 RGB_LED Canvas Control APP

The original code was using analogWrite, but in order to use ESP32 the analogWrite was changed to ledcWrite, I don't know if this is the reason why my canvas slider only adjusts the red LEDs no matter how I move it and doesn't show the RGB.


#include <BluetoothSerial.h>

BluetoothSerial SerialBT;

const int Rpin = 3;
const int Gpin = 5;
const int Bpin = 6;

void setup() {
  pinMode(Rpin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Gpin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Bpin, OUTPUT);

  ledcSetup(0, 5000, 8); // 设置LED控制通道0,频率为5000 Hz,分辨率为8位
  ledcAttachPin(Rpin, 0); // 将通道0绑定到Rpin
  ledcSetup(1, 5000, 8); // 设置LED控制通道1,频率为5000 Hz,分辨率为8位
  ledcAttachPin(Gpin, 1); // 将通道1绑定到Gpin
  ledcSetup(2, 5000, 8); // 设置LED控制通道2,频率为5000 Hz,分辨率为8位
  ledcAttachPin(Bpin, 2); // 将通道2绑定到Bpin

  SerialBT.begin("ESP32_BT"); // 设置蓝牙名称


void loop() {
  byte cmmd[2] = {};
  int insize;
  int color;

  if ((insize = SerialBT.available())) {
    cmmd[0] =;
    cmmd[1] =;
    color = (cmmd[1] * 256) + cmmd[0];

    if (color >= 1000 && color < 1255) {
      int red = color;
      red = map(red, 1000, 1255, 0, 255);
      ledcWrite(0, red); // 控制红色LED
    if (color >= 2000 && color < 2255) {
      int green = color;
      green = map(green, 2000, 2255, 0, 255);
      ledcWrite(1, green); // 控制绿色LED
    if (color >= 3000 && color < 3255) {
      int blue = color;
      blue = map(blue, 3000, 3255, 0, 255);
      ledcWrite(2, blue); // 控制蓝色LED

bt_color.aia (5.0 KB)

Why do you use a number for one stream's speed, and a text for the other stream's speed?

You don't initialize insize.
How is that = test against serialBT.available supposed to work?