ESP32 connected to a VGA monitor. App sends text over WiFi to a VGA monitor

We are going to connect an ESP32 to a VGA monitor. We will send text from an app to the VGA monitor.

We will follow this tutorial:

It is based on the bitluni's ESP32Lib library:

This tutorial in Spanish:

1.- Connections of the ESP32 card to the female connector of a VGA monitor.

  • Monitor with VGA connection:


2.- Library ESP32Lib. Code 'Hello World'.

  • In the Youtube tutorial the process is well explained, I simply show some screenshots and the code of "Hello World.
    In my case I changed the resolution to vga.MODE400x300 to make it work.


#include <ESP32Lib.h>
#include <Ressources/Font6x8.h>

//pin configuration
const int redPin = 14;
const int greenPin = 19;
const int bluePin = 27;
const int hsyncPin = 0;
const int vsyncPin = 5;

//VGA Device
VGA3Bit vga;

void setup()
	//initializing vga at the specified pins
	//vga.init(vga.MODE320x240, redPin, greenPin, bluePin, hsyncPin, vsyncPin);
	vga.init(vga.MODE400x300, redPin, greenPin, bluePin, hsyncPin, vsyncPin);
	//selecting the font
	//displaying the text
	vga.println("Hello World!");

void loop()

3.- WiFi connection.

  • Using the VGAWiFiTextTerminal example we can send text from the mobile to the VGA monitor.
    Note that the code can work as an access point or as a client of a Router as we modify:
    const bool AccessPointMode = true;

  • In case of acting as an access point we must connect our mobile to the VGA network and connect with the IP

4.- App sends text over WiFi to ESP32, the text is displayed on the VGA monitor.

p250_ESP32_Monitor.aia (2.1 KB)

  • Connect the ESP32 as a WiFi client to your local network.


- Code ESP32.

#include <ESP32Lib.h>
#include <Ressources/Font6x8.h>

//pin configuration
const int redPin = 14;
const int greenPin = 19;
const int bluePin = 27;
const int hsyncPin = 0;
const int vsyncPin = 5;

//VGA Device
VGA3Bit vga;

#include <WiFi.h>
const char* ssid = "Nombre_de_tu_red_WiFi";
const char* password = "Contraseña_WiFi";

// Setting Static IP.
        IPAddress local_IP(192, 168, 1, 115);
        IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 1, 1);
        IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0); 
        IPAddress primaryDNS(8, 8, 8, 8); //opcional 
        IPAddress secondaryDNS(8, 8, 4, 4); //opcional 

WiFiServer server(80); // Port 80

String retorno = "";
int wait30 = 30000; // time to reconnect when connection is lost.

void setup() {
  // vga.init(vga.MODE320x240, redPin, greenPin, bluePin, hsyncPin, vsyncPin);
  vga.init(vga.MODE400x300, redPin, greenPin, bluePin, hsyncPin, vsyncPin);
  //make the background blue
  vga.clear(vga.RGBA(0, 0, 255));
  vga.backColor = vga.RGB(0, 0, 255);
  //selecting the font
  vga.setCursor(0, 0);
  //displaying the text
  vga.println("--- Conectado a VGA ---");

// Setting Static IP.
  if (!WiFi.config(local_IP, gateway, subnet, primaryDNS, secondaryDNS)) {
    Serial.println("Error in configuration.");

// Connect WiFi net.
  Serial.print("Connecting with ");
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  Serial.println("Connected with WiFi.");
  // Start Web Server.
  Serial.println("Web Server started.");
  // This is IP
  Serial.print("This is IP to connect to the WebServer: ");
void loop() {
// If disconnected, try to reconnect every 30 seconds.
  if ((WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) && (millis() > wait30)) {
    Serial.println("Trying to reconnect WiFi...");
    WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
    wait30 = millis() + 30000;
  // Check if a client has connected..
  WiFiClient client = server.available();
  if (!client) {
  vga.print("New client: ");
  Serial.print("New client: ");
  // Espera hasta que el cliente envíe datos.
  // while(!client.available()){ delay(1); }

  // Read information sends by client.
  String req = client.readStringUntil('\r');
  req.replace("+", " ");          // Para que los espacios no salgan con +
  req.replace(" HTTP/1.1", "");   // Para quitar HTTP/1.1
  req.replace("GET /", "");       // Para quitar GET /
  retorno = req.c_str();
  // Página WEB. ////////////////////////////
  client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
  client.println("Content-Type: text/html");
  client.println(""); //  Comillas importantes.
  client.println(retorno); //  Return.

  Serial.println("Client disconnected.");

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sends text. Will it send an emoticon (a form of text) Juan Antonio. :wolf:, :sunflower:, :rat:, :zebra: :slight_smile:

Show the emoticon code on the monitor: %F0%9F%98%80


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5.- Example: VGAFonts

Example: VGACustomResolution

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