Erros in downloading app

hi guys.. i have errors in downloading the app..and i dont know where to start by fixing them ....please help!!!
heres a copy of the errors

App Inventor is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
________Preparing application icon
________Creating animation xml
________Creating style xml
________Creating provider_path xml
________Creating network_security_config xml
________Generating adaptive icon file
________Generating round adaptive icon file
________Generating adaptive icon background file
________Generating manifest file
________Attaching native libraries
________Attaching Android Archive (AAR) libraries
________Attaching component assets
________Invoking AAPT
AAPT time: 1.603 seconds
________Compiling source files
(compiling appinventor/ai_nomfundofakude965/MASISIZANEAPP/Screen6.yail to appinventor.ai_nomfundofakude965.MASISIZANEAPP.Screen6)

ERROR: appinventor/ai_nomfundofakude965/MASISIZANEAPP/Screen6.yail line 144: duplicate declaration of 'back'

ERROR: appinventor/ai_nomfundofakude965/MASISIZANEAPP/Screen6.yail line 144: (this is the previous declaration of 'back')

Kawa compile time: 21.03 seconds

In the Designer, rename all 'back' buttons to 'btnBack' to avoid a bug in AI2.

P.S. Could you export an .aia of your app (before fixing it) and try to Build it on the server

It would be a good test of whether or not that bug has been fixed.

Unfortunately it hasn't

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thanks.. i will do just that .