Error while searching in ListView

Redirecting back when we are trying to search in ListView

Please explain what you want to do, or what is causing you an issue ?

Oh, I believe you are getting the bug everyone else has got:

It is now fixed and can be tested on the ai2-test server, but not yet released on the production server.


show your block of searching

It's a common bug that has been occuring now, no need for a full-scale investigation :upside_down_face:.

@Solomon_jones_Kodide, the bug is being fixed under the App Inventor Test Server. You can export your app and import it to there to see if it's working.


Indeed. FilterBar from ListView is working in the Test Server, but I haven't found why search is still black color. How can I change that? Do you know anything about that or did you have the same question?

What theme are you using? Classic/Default/Dark ?

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