Error when clicking my project

I am creating my own appinventor but when I am clicking on my project I got this error

An Internal error occured report a bug
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The only help that I could give is that there must be some sort of problem with your device. Make sure everything is up to date, otherwise I don't know what else. Sorry I couldn't help more, I'm still kind of new to this too.

Cause 1 ~ Internet Disconnection
Cause 2 ~ Some Errors with the files (try running ant command again and start the server)

Are you having problems when switching screens? If you do, I had had the same problem. To fix itt, you need to also close the screen you are in when you create a new one. The easiest way to do this is to create a procedure with the close screen block in it and put it before the block to switch screens.

Also, show me your code and also tell me what you are trying to create. Also, if you are trying to use the Webviewer, you may not be able to connect to it.

Are you too making your own app inventor? @Anonymous_User
He said:

@Faraz_Firoz did you get the error directly while opening the localhost?

I meant it as what type of app are they trying to create.


You can know error by first logging in as Administrator and then seeing logs

Hello, I am not creating any app. I am creating my own appinventor
@Know_About_IT I will try in administrator thank you

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There can be a lot of reasons for this as it's a catch-all for any uncaught exception thrown by the code. When I am debugging an issue, I will keep the JavaScript devtools open with the "Pause on Uncaught Exceptions" box ticked. Then when the error occurs you can look at the stack trace to determine the root cause of the issue.