Error "The operation is in list? cannot accept the arguments: , [...], ["<!DOCTYPE"]

Hello, yesterday my APP was working perfectly.

Today I see that both in the AI Companion version and in the .apk downloaded version, when I try to Login (in Screen1 there's a Register/Login page), it always shows the error: ""The operation is in list? cannot accept the arguments: , [...], ["<!DOCTYPE"]".

It didn't happen before!

How is it possible, and can someone help to fix it?

Thanks a lot, I'm uploading blocks image and .aia file.
FL01_Manteinance.aia (82.1 KB)

Is it because you are using my google apps script url and did not create your own google apps script?

The url for my script has now changed/gone.

Yes, that must be the problem... Could you help me duplicating that script of yours? Thanks a lot.