Error: The operation Elements cannot accept the arguments: , [""] Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds

The operation Elements cannot accept the arguments: , [""]
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

I am using a list view to display firebase tags. (block- when firebasedb1.taglist, set listviewer1.elements to get value)
Please help.
Thanks a lot.

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Looks like you are not getting anything back, or not converting the data returned to a properly formatted list. Please show your relevant blocks.

Here it is...

That looks OK, must be at the Firebase end.

What do you have your Projectbucket set to ? Does this contain any tags ?

If you use DO IT when running in companion is there anything in the value returned from Firebase (you may need use a global variable for this)

Show your firebase data if on your own firebase (not MIT)

Thank You!
But sorry, leave that...
Pls help me with this one as i removed that as it was not important to exist but this is (attached)Screenshot (322) Screenshot (323)

It is not obvious what you are trying to do, or what doesn't work correctly.

Please provide an explanation of what you are trying to achieve, your workflow, and the issues you are having, and provide all your relevant blocks (right click on blocks editor and download blocks as image - editing as necessary), designer screens, screenshots etc.

See, Sir,
in previous screens i made users enter a username in textbox. To preserve them even after change in screen, i uploaded them to tinydb. now when he open for first time the join(tiny+savedcontacts) is empty list. later, he adds some contacts.
So there is a savedlist named list to show saved ones.
i hope u will get me when u will read this along with the previous images.
And yes! Canvas prompts the userto swipe up to proceed

Thank You!!

yes exactly
what about adding an if statement like this

if is empty (TinyDB.GetValue Username)
then do what you want to do if user opens for the first time
else get the data from CloudDB

you can find the is empty block in the text drawer


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

Thanks! It seems to solve my problem! I'll try it!

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